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Age 5 to 7


Age 8 to 12


Age 13 to 16


Age 17 to 19


18 to 108

Over 35's

35 years +

Three young girls in blue and pink soccer uniform being direct by tallest girl


Age 5 to 7

This is a smaller version of the sport that provides girls with a fun introduction to soccer. Some clubs call this age group MiniRoos.  At Russell Lea Women’s Soccer Club, they are known as MiniTildas, in reference to the CommBank Matildas.


Girls need to turn 5 before the end of the year to join. (Girls who are turning 8 before the end of the year will be playing in the under 8s home-away games format.)


Minitildas play 4 v 4 using a size 3 ball, no goal keeper, on a small field for 2 x 15-20 min halves, so there's lots of touches. The girls are placed in different teams each week to maintain a balance across the varying levels of abilities. It is all about having fun, learning new skills and making life-long friends.  All games are played on Sunday mornings at Queen Elizabeth Park, Concord.


Register here or contact for more information.



Age 8 to 12

Girls who play in these non competitive age groups play versions of small sided soccer in a home and away format ie some games at our home ground and others at the opposition’s home ground.  The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment whilst gradually building skills and game awareness.


Under 8’s & Under 9’s play on a mini (¼ sized) field for 2 x 20 min halves using a size 3 ball.  There are 7 players on field including a goalkeeper and can have up to 4 substitutes. 


Under 10’s, 11's & 12's play on a half sized field for 2 x 25 min halves using a size 4 ball.  There are 9 players on field including a goalkeeper and can have up to 4 substitutes.


The age group in which a girl can play is the age they turn by 31st December 2025.


Register here or contact for more information.


Image: @Photographed With Love


Image: @Photographed With Love


Age 13 to 16

Playing soccer in the teen years provides opportunities to form friendships outside of school, build resilience and confidence, get fit and have fun.


In order to provide a more robust competition in the junior years, some age groups have been merged in recent years resulting in three age brackets.  Please note this merge applies to all junior female teams who play within the Canterbury District Soccer Football Association.

The three age brackets are considered competitive age groups i.e. tables, ladders, points, final series and play in a home and away format.


Under 13’s (for girls who turn 13  in the year of play) play on a full sized field for 2 x 25 mins halves using a size 4 ball. They field a full team of 11 players including a goalkeeper and can have up to 5 substitutes.


Under 14’s (for girls who turn 13 or 14 in the year of play) play on a full sized field for 2 x 30 min halves using a size 5 ball. They field a full team of 11 players including a goalkeeper and can have up to 5 substitutes.


U16 (for girls who turn 15 or 16 in the year of play) play on a full sized field for 2 x 35 min halves using a size 5 ball. They field a full team of 11 players including a goalkeeper and can have up to 5 substitutes.


Register here or contact for more information.


This age bracket is open to girls who turn 17, 18 or 19 in the relevant year of play.  You could call it the ‘tweenas’. 


As girls reach this age group their friends, acquaintances, education, social circumstances and employment all diversify and change. WIL exists to create a better football but also general life experience for girls in their older teenage and early adult years. The WIL age group provides opportunities for players to transition from Juniors into All Ages, however, it is also an opportunity for older girls who have not played before, to join teams of similar ages and maturity.    


WIL plays on a full-size field for 2 x 45 min halves using a size 5 ball in a home and away format. 11 players are on the field including a goalkeeper and can have up to 5 substitutes.


Register here or contact for more information.

Action shot of woman stopping soccer ball on pitch

Image: Multimedia Solutions


Image: @Photographed With Love


Age 18 to 108!

As the title implies, this age group is for all adults - 18+ from beginner to experienced - RLWSC welcomes all. (Those turning 18, 19, 20 or 21 in the relevant year have the option to play in WIL or All Ages).


All Age divisions play on a full size field for 2 x 45 min halves using a size 5 ball in a home and away format. 11 players are on field including a goalkeeper and can have up to 5 substitutes.


Register here or contact for more information.

OVER 35's

Ages 35 +

As a female adult turning 35 or past that age, you have the option to be part of an Over 35s age division. Some, but not all women, find the age group preferable to All Ages but it is an entirely personal decision.  As will all the age groups at RLWSC, females of all levels of experience are welcome.  Our aim is to provide an environment where females feel safe and supported, where confidence and sense of value as a person can grow.


The rules of the game and competition format remain the same as All Ages; a full size field for 2 x 45 min halves using a size 5 ball in a home and away format. 11 players are on field including a goalkeeper and can have up to 5 substitutes.


Register here or contact for more information.


Image: @Photographed With Love

All Ages
Over 30's

FOR training info, details on uniform & registration fees

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